Tuesday, February 17, 2009


You know I love to wander through the blog-o-sphere checking up on my favorite bungalow rehabbers and all things Chicago. It makes me crazy though because those people are thouroghly and utterly dyed in the wool democrats at the least and rabid liberals at the worst. I try to overlook all of that but it is getting harder and harder since I am finding it almost intolerable to stomach their enlightened view of the world in this post-Obama election universe. All of a sudden they are all enlightened about being bi-partisan and optomistic, and oh so generous about working together to CHANGE the world into a better place. OK, where has their generosity of spirit been for the last 8 years? Now they are willing to be cooperative and bipartisan since THEIR guy is in the White House. It is no great effort to be so when your side holds the keys.
I am happy to live in a town that has yard signs reading "Welcome Home Mr. President". I hope George and Laura will be comfortable here and able to live with peace and dignity after 8 years of constant criticism and hate. I don't care what you think about his policies. He governed according to his conscience just as Obama will. Just because his ideals and policies differ from your own is no cause for hate. Obama does not represent my ideals but he is my president. I will work and pray for the causes I believe in and I will not resort to hate. I think Obama is wrong wrong wrong on just about every issue. This is America, I am entitled to my position and so are you. Don't take away my right to express my views (Un-Fairness Doctrine) because you now have the power to do so. I don't ask for ABC, NBC, CBS, CNBC, Air America, countless big city newspapers, Time, Newsweek etc, to be silenced so don't you ask for FOX or talk radio to be silenced.
I am proud to live in this country, always have been but I worry for her soul. I see a constant battle between the darkness and the light with the darkness getting stronger every day. Government is not the answer to all of our ills, the people are the answer. Obama cannot save us from ourselves but he can facilitate our demise. The people's hearts united with the will of God is the answer.

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Souls Connected

What is it about women blogging that draws snickering from kids, rolled eyes from husbands, disdain from intellectuals? Granted, it's not brain surgery. It's frequently self-indulgent musings, whining, ranting, self-reflection. But you know what? It's also a web of souls connected. Strangers who put their lives out there for whatever reasons, searching, seeking, living. People who are deeply touched by other's joys and sufferings, reaching out to lend love and support because really, your children are my children. Your heartbreak could easily be mine. I sat in tears today reading a friend's blog that told me about two year old Cora who recently succumbed to cancer. And last year I learned about little Gloria who also passed away at the tender age of 6. Her short life was remarkable. She had love and devotion for God that was supernatural. She taught so many people about life, and faith. A profound testimony that I was able to witness because of her mother's blog.
I have also "met" so many interesting, creative, faithful, genius, hysterically funny women wandering from one blog to another. In a very discouraging and often godless world I am lifted up by these incredible people. They are a light shining through the darkness. Because we know afterall that this incredible tool we use for our education and entertainment is also a conduit for trash and hate.
Of course it would be wonderful if we could have these encounters and "conversations" in person but life is what it is. Seek out the good and beautiful and humorous in the world because it gives life. Pass on the stories of suffering as well as beauty because there is God in the suffering too. An even if the story ends with death, it is just the beginning of the next chapter. The most beautiful one of all.