Monday, December 28, 2009

no facebook, no myspace

Really, the world doesn't need to see all of me...occasionally I have a thought that tugs at me and longs to be expressed and put out there for whatever reason. We all would like to be heard, noticed, a certain degree. I have no desire to lay my whole life out there. My family is my own and if you know me well enough, you know them. They baffle me, surprise me, delight me, disappoint me, but they are mine and I hold them dear. Occasionally tho, I will share them. I don't myspace or facebook. I twitter every now and then but often wonder why. You can tell by my lame and often akward blog layout that I am very low tech, but have to say, in person, high touch. So leave a comment if you will. I will see it and know you are out there...